Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Explorers

Yesterday we met with our weekly playgroup, The Explorers. The group is made up of seven 4-year-old boys. Thankfully, there are two other boys with younger sisters so Laine has her own playmates at these meetings. The moms take turns hosting the playdates, either in their home or in a public place, and they set the mood for the playdate by deciding if it will be active or more mellow. Yesterday the kids got to make rockets out of paper towel rolls and construction paper then take them outside and throw them. Jared loved his rocket so much that he carried it everywhere with him for the rest of the day and even slept with it. The rocket has fire (orange crepe paper) coming out of the bottom and by this morning it was looking pretty tattered.

The moms in the playgroup come from all over, with only two being native Texans. We all have different backgrounds and came together just because our boys are the same age. This really makes the group a fun mix and gives us lots to talk about. What I love the most about the group is that the moms really are crazy about their boys. We trade stories of embarrassing potty moments, obsession with all things that have wheels and the general amount of mischief that boys get into with big smiles on our faces.

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