Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Out of the mouths of babes

Yesterday we had our weekly meeting of The Explorers playgroup. The kids have now played together enough times that they are comfortable with each other. The moms are also relaxing and getting to know each other better. The kids might even be too comfortable with each other. Yesterday the boys were playing upstairs and the moms were chatting downstairs when Jared came running down with an announcement.

“Jack just picked his nose and ate it!” he cried. (Some names in this story have been have been changed.)

All conversation stopped. I looked over at Jack’s mom and she looked like she wanted to crawl under the sofa. I wasn’t sure what to say to Jared. We’ve always told him it isn’t polite to pick your nose, but I have also been trying to explain that isn’t polite to say something that might make another person feel bad. Jack’s mom went upstairs mumbling something about getting Jack a tissue and I quietly told Jared that from now on he should talk to mommy in private about things like that. Thankfully, this is an easy-going group of women and we were able to laugh it off. But just in case, I am going to have a little talk with Jared next week about what is polite to say and what we should keep to ourselves.

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