Saturday, September 29, 2007

Visit to Marcia and Jim's ranch

On Saturday we went to visit Jed’s Aunt Marcia (Bonnie’s sister) and her husband Jim at their ranch about two hours away from us. Darren and Melissa also went with their two kids. We all met up in Fredricksburg, a quaint German town a half hour away from their ranch. The town has a Main Street with cute antique and craft shops. We drove through town and went to a large park where Marcia had prepared a picnic for us. The kids fed our leftover bread to the ducks that were on the stream that ran through the park. It was a lovely afternoon.

After lunch we headed to their 101 acre ranch in the tiny town of Doss. Jed and I thoroughly enjoyed the drive through the Texas Hill Country. We even passed the one room schoolhouse (one of only two in the state) that serves the 22 children that live in Doss. The ranch is located on a windy road and as soon as we pulled up to I knew I would love being there. There is a large windmill out front and cows that graze on the property. The house has wood floors and a rustic front porch with old-fashioned screen doors. Everything about the ranch reminded me of my childhood summer vacations when we would visit my grandmother’s siblings all over Texas and Oklahoma.

We spent the afternoon touring the ranch and watching the four kids play together. After a wonderful dinner and a surprise birthday cake for Marcia (the kids blew out the candles) we left them at the ranch and headed home.

The drive home in the twilight was beautiful. Jed had a hard time concentrating on the road because the sunset and the clouds were so amazing. There were also lots of dips in the road which made it a mini-rollar coaster ride for the kids. Kind of like our beloved “Whoa Hill” in Laguna Beach.

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